This week in maths we will be measuring and drawing angles. Watch this video to help you remember the names of different angles.
In P.E. we have been practising our football skills. This week we were practising heading the ball. What can help us to head the ball in the correct direction? These children have done an extra creative challenge for their homework to help us remember how to order decimal numbers. A success card for each of you! Well done! Year 5W were lucky enough to go toTanfield Comprehensive School to take part in a football festival with other schools. Before we played football we had to warm up... After that we played some games to help improve our football skills. And had some football matches too! Today we have been looking at how to stay safe online by not giving out our personal information. We first found some good points and bad points about some people's online profiles. Next, we created our own rules about how to stay safe when using internet chat rooms.
k below to learn about how you can stay safe online:
Star of the week: well done to Demi who was awarded star of the week for her participation and hard work in lessons.
School awards: well done to Teagan who was awarded best manners at lunch time. Keep it up! Today we will debate the motion: Homeless people should be given a home and taken off the streets.
Have a look at these websites to help your research for or against the motion: You will need to include: - Facts to support your view - Opinions to support your view - Rhetorical questions - Examples - A slogan - Pictures To find out where websites are based we can trace a route to them.
This trace route webpage traces a route from America to the website you type in. We will be investigating this next in computing. Using the link: Copy one of the web address. Web Sites to Trace Then, using the link: see how many hops it has taken! We have started looking at the Domesday book in our topic lessons as another source of primary evidence from Norman times. Try to find out the following information:
- What is the Domesday book? - When was the Domesday book drawn up? - Who wrote it up and how long did it take? - Why did William the Conqueror commission the Domesday survey? - Who did William send out to find the information? - What were some of the questions that were asked? Use these links to help you: |